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Chinese idioms related to Loong, episode 7

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Chinese idioms which related to Loong

Episode 7: Sheng Long Huo Hu! 生龙活虎 [shēng lóng huó hǔ]!

Sheng (生) :  Live, active

Long (龙):  Loong

Huo (活):  Live, active

Hu (虎) :  Tiger

Sheng Long Huo Hu! 生龙活虎 [shēng lóng huó hǔ], means "Like a lively loong and a dynamic tiger, energetic and vigorous.".

The idiom of Sheng Long Huo Hu was first written by a writer Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty, 850 years ago.

In ancient China, two villages sat side by side: one with a loong as its spirit animal, the other with a tiger. The loong village was known for its strong-willed and determined people, while the tiger village was renowned for its agile and fearless warriors.

One year, a drought struck both villages, withering their crops and causing great suffering. The loong villagers, led by a brave young man named Loong Wei, decided to seek help from the tiger villagers.

When the two parties met, they prayed to the heavens for rain together. At end of the day, a refreshing rain fell upon both villages. The people cheered and danced, knowing that it was their unity and combined efforts that had brought this desired rain.

From that day on, the two villages merged into one, known as the "Loong-Tiger Village". They used the phrase "Sheng Long Huo Hu" to describe those who possessed the combined qualities of determination, strategy, and agility.
