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Chinese idioms related to Loong, episode 8

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Chinese idioms which related to Loong

Episode 8:  Cang Long Wo Hu! 藏龙卧虎 [cáng lóng wò hǔ]!

Cang (藏) :  Hiding

Long (龙):  Loong

Wo (卧):  Crouching, lying

Hu (虎) :  Tiger

Cang Long Wo Hu! 藏龙卧虎 [cáng lóng wò hǔ], means "Hiding Loongs and Crouching Tigers or Hidden and undiscovered talents also refer to hidden talents.".

The idiom of Cang Long Wo Hu was first written by a writer Geng Xin of South-North Dynasty, 1500 - 1600 years ago. What he wrote is: The hidden stone is suspected of a hiding tiger and the entwined roots resemble a crouching loong. From time to time, it becomes: Hiding Loongs and Crouching Tigers.

We always say: the master is in the folk. While talented people may not want to be showing in the public for various reasons, one of the most important reason is the time has not come yet. They want to be isolated from the world, live in seclusion in mountains, forests or remote places, until the time comes. They stay in the far and remote corner, but their sight covers the whole world.  

There was a famous tablet in the time of Three Kingdom of China, called Mr. Wo Long (the crouching loong). His real name is Zhuge Liang, lived in the year 181 - 234AD. Zhuge Liang, known as Kongming, was a strategic genius hidden in obscurity. He spent his early years in secluded study, honing his skills and knowledge. Dubbed the "crouching loong," he was invited three times by Liu Bei, founder of the Shu Han dynasty, persuaded to join the fight for China's reunification.

Zhuge Liang's was named military commander since then and won most of the battles. His wisdom, loyalty and strategy became legendary in the history of China known by everyone from generation to generation. Yet his life ended tragically in 234 AD, in a battle at Wuzhangyuan Plain.

Zhuge Liang's legacy lives on as a testament to the power of hidden talents. His story reminds us that every individual has the potential to be a hidden loong, waiting to be unleashed and make a profound impact on the world.
